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Lectors proclaim the Word at the weekend liturgies as well as announcements & petitions. Mary Mahoney, 515-238-3557

Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist distributes Communion during weekend liturgies and Holy Days.  Volunteers must be a Catholic who has celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. Barb Frueh, 515-279-9913

Liturgical Ministries

Small and active group whose role is to help plan liturgies through the seasons, lead church decorating, train Ministers of the Eucharist. Carolyn Rainey, 515-255-3162

Master of Ceremony

The Master of Ceremony sets up vessels and books needed for Mass, gives assignments to the altar servers, and ensures proper coverage of other ministries (e.g. Lectors, EM’s, etc.).  During Mass the Master of Ceremonies observes to ensure everything runs...