Special Mass offered a few times a year for healing of mind, body and spirit. Boy Scouts greet and assist with the elderly or disabled. Pastoral Care Minister calls parishioners to invite them to attend. Cookies and coffee are offered afterward, volunteers are lined...
Leads children age 4 through 4th grade during the 8:30 and 10:30 Mass. The children are dismissed after the Opening Prayer to hear the Sunday readings, homily, and participate in related activities appropriate for their understanding. They return to the church after...
People with the gift of music share their talents for a variety of occasions, including our liturgies, Faith Formation sessions, RCIA gatherings, Stations of the Cross, Vacation Bible School and other special events. Opportunities are available for cantors, singers...
Altar Servers assist the priest at the altar before & during the liturgy. Servers are youth in 4th grade and older. Carolyn Rainey, 515-255-3162 x128 | Brad Rea, 515-255-4987