August Blog | Return to Learn | By Melissa Reder and Monica Morrison
I’m Melissa Reder the new principal at Holy Trinity. And I’m Monica Morrison the new assistant principal at Holy Trinity. We are SO excited to welcome you all back to school! We wanted to talk to you about how excited we are to join the Holy Trinity community and to reassure you about your students returning to learning.
We ask that you remember that we are a community built upon a solid foundation of faith. Faith will get us through this and we will all work together to do our best! We both feel so blessed to be here to help you through this experience and pray every day for your children’s guidance and health.
Please watch our new video above…and please tune in to our Facebook LIVE event with Father Mark scheduled for August 19 at 7PM. As always, you do not need an account to participate.
We both know that we are all Taking this Journey together–now more than ever. We may have to be physically apart in some instances but we can all be as united as one in the eyes of God.
Below is a copy of our new school prayer developed with Father Mark. We will have it in our digital backpack for all of you to download it and practice at home with your children in the hope that this becomes something that comforts us and pulls us through these unprecedented times:
Gracious God, the perfect love and communion of the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit together makes the Most Holy Trinity; one God.
God the Father, who created us;Jesus, God the Son who gave His life to save ours;
God the Holy Spirit, who guides us each day.
Help us follow the example of the Most Holy Trinity as we seek
to faithfully walk the path that you lay before us;
to love and serve others;
to build a more caring, respectful world
and answer your call in our lives
as we take this journey together as
one people of God.