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Opportunities – Service


Sponsor Couple for Marriage
A Sponsor Couple is part of our Marriage Preparation Program. A parish couple acts as mentors to an engaged couple as they progress through their marriage preparation. Diocesan training involved. Carolyn Rainey, 515-255-3162 x128

Fall Festival Administrative
Coordinate all activities prior to the day of events for Fall Festival and during the Fall Festival. Steve and Cathy Reed, 515-473-2834

Fall Festival Volunteer Shifts
A variety of volunteer opportunities to serve in shifts throughout the weekend: serving beer, serving food, preparing food, preparing baked goods, collecting and selling baked goods, running BINGO in the gymnasium, coordinating middle school students to offer children’s activities, selling tickets. Steve and Cathy Reed, 515-473-2834

Respect Life Committee/ Activities
This is a group of parishioners dedicated to the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. The group brings attention to the parish on pro-life issues and coordinates activities and community outreach relating to the sanctity of human life. Tom Quiner, 515-278-5145

Blood Drive
Volunteers work with the Pastoral Care Minister to make phone calls, email, assist with sign up and coordination of periodic blood drives. Call our Pastoral Care Minister at 515-255-3762 x124.

Peace and Justice Committee/ Activities (Social Justice)
Inactive – Needing a leader and group to form. This committee seeks to make the Gospel message of peace and justice real for our parish & community. Outreach to those who cannot speak for themselves (immigrants, disabled, any underserved.) Parish Office, 515-255-3162 x128

DMARC Food Pantry Collection
Donations are collected and dropped off at the Food Pantry location on the third Sunday of each month. Parishioners can help by bringing food or monetary donations to keep the food pantry supplied with items. Parish Office, 515-255-3162 x128

Family Promise Shelter
Helping individuals within the community in need of shelter and food. Holy Trinity partners with West Minster Church to provide meals and hosts for guests one month each year. Volunteer opportunities include preparing, serving and sharing evening meals, offering hospitality and greeting guests, serve as overnight host for families at West Minster Church. Tom Green, 515-229-6072

Connection Cafe
Holy Trinity volunteers prepare meal donations and/or serve meals to the homeless at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on the fourth Thursday of each month. Rob Hoover, 515-282-4849

Parish Secretary works with Children and Families Urban Ministries (CFUM) to schedule groups of parishioners from HT to bring and serve meals periodically throughout the year. Carolyn Rainey, 515-255-3162 x128

The ushers assist at Mass by seating people, helping with the offertory collection, answers guest’s questions if needed. Seth Austin, 515-255-3162 x129

Caretakers of Altar Linens
Parishioners volunteer to wash, iron & care for the altar linens. Parish Office 255-3162 ext. 128.

Caretaker of Worship Space and Sacristy
Cleaning and maintenance of sacred spaces (Sacristy, Main Church, Altar, Day Chapel). Includes watering plants and flowers in the church, straightening materials in pews, organizing and cleaning sacristy, cleaning refrigerator, etc. Seth Austin, 515-255-3162 x129

Sunday Nursery-Need Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Volunteers care for the children under 3 age 3 while their parents participate in the Sunday Mass. Parish Office, 515-255-3162 x128

Knights of Columbus Organization
National Fraternal Men’s Organization that serves the parish and community, with support for Right to Life, Special Olympics, Religion Vocations, Funding for Eagle Scout Projects, Coat Give-away, Ruby Van Meter School. Please contact Allan Kramer or 515-491-4787 and Wendell Eck 515-564-9274 if interested.

Rosary Circles
National Women’s organization for Parish outreach and friendship. In 2018 Holy Trinity had 2 active circles who gather periodically throughout the year for community and to provide service to the parish and community. Examples of service projects include baking cookies for shut-ins, hosting dinner parties for HT Seniors, providing lunches for garage sale volunteers and funeral dinners, other service projects identified by school or parish (e.g. courtyard). Lisa McDonald, 515-276-2532 |Sally Hicks, 515-255-6330

Pastoral Care Ministry
Provides Christ-centered care & support to persons experiencing grief, illness, job loss, divorce, or other life difficulties. Contact our Pastoral Care Minister, 515-255-3162 x124

Saint Vincent DePaul Organization (both in and out of parish support)
National Organization of men and women, helping individuals in the community in need of assistance with food, rent, utilities, bus tokens, gas, etc. Participants may make home visits to assess needs, volunteer at Des Moines SVDP food pantry. Holy Trinity serves two dinners/year at CFUM for 150 people and provided Christmas Baskets for 45 families in 2017. Karen Hockins, 515-255-3162 ext. 128.

Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts is a year-round program that offers fun activities that promote character and leadership development. Grades 1-5. Val Hopp

Boy Scouts
The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations, providing programs for young people that build character. Scouting is adventure, family, fun, character, leadership and so much more. Ages 11-17. Scotney Fenton 255-3162.

Girl Scouts
Youth organization that builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Grades K-12. Varies by grade level

Event Photography
Volunteer opportunity to photograph various parish events for marketing and PR purposes. Additional need for organizing and coordinating the registration and scheduling of photography for the parish directory. Parish Office, 515-255-3162 x128

Parish Visioning Committee
Planning and Carrying out parish improvements, decision making, based on the 5-10 year plan of the Holy Trinity Visioning Report. Contact our Pastor at 255-3162 ext. 126.

Childcare during Parish Events
Volunteers provide the gift of caring for children so that parents are able to participate in parish events, faith enrichment activities, or volunteer to share their talents. Varies by event.

Garden Caretaker
Volunteers with a love for gardening can share their gifts with the parish by planting, weeding, landscaping, watering plants on Holy Trinity grounds throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall.  Contact the Parish Office.

Pastoral Ministry
Variety of opportunities are offered, such as Eucharistic Ministers for the homebound and hospitalized, knitting or crocheting prayer shawls, organizing and distributing donated medical supplies (Crutches, walkers, etc.). Our Pastoral Care Minister at 515-255-3162 x124.

Finance Committee
Mary Gisler at 515-255-3162 x123.

Volunteer Committee (recruit & maintain) NEW
Individuals foster an atmosphere of stewardship by engaging active participation in three primary areas: Volunteer Coordination, Alumni Relations and Endowment and Fundraising. Coordinates with event chairs & parish staff and maintains data base of volunteers.