Parish Welcoming Committee

A team of parishioners who reach out to new members of the parish to invite them to events, host gatherings, introduce them to other members of the parish and provide information about our parish and school. Francis Bogges, 515-822-1434 | Shirley...

Host Easter Vigil Reception

To celebrate and welcome new members who entered the Church at the Easter Vigil, a party is held after the Easter Vigil service.  Volunteer opportunities include serving food and setting up the reception. Mike and Mary Mahoney, 515-238-5432


Community-wide Mass on Saturday afternoon, neighborhood walk, dinner, and party to bring families and community together to raise money for the school facilities, grounds, equipment or programming.  Volunteer opportunities include planning, hosting, food preparation,...


Fund raiser and parish social gathering to benefit general school budget, education endowment, school and parish building funds. A large variety of goods, services, events, gatherings are offered for bidding.  Dinner, dessert, drinks are provided with the purchase of...

Omelet Breakfast (Catholic Schools Week)

Semi-annual fundraiser for Education Endowment. A full breakfast is offered after the 8:30 and 10:30 Mass one Sunday in January. Volunteers opportunities include cooking, serving, set up, food preparation  and clean-up. Mark and Mary Frances...

Parish Garage Sale

Semi-annual event held each March and August to raise funds for general church budget. Volunteer opportunities include organizing, pricing and selling items donated by the parishioners. Parish Office – Maxine Novak, 515-276-8457