The Master of Ceremony sets up vessels and books needed for Mass, gives assignments to the altar servers, and ensures proper coverage of other ministries (e.g. Lectors, EM’s, etc.). During Mass the Master of Ceremonies observes to ensure everything runs...
When the need arises, volunteers provide support and comfort for the family and friends of the deceased by offering a funeral meal in the parish hall. Carolyn Kamp, 515-255-8576
Parishioners sign up to prepare food when called upon for other members of the parish who are ill or for funeral dinners. Carolyn Kamp, 515-255-8576 | Carolyn Rainey, 515-255-3162 x128
An annual dinner for senior members of the parish hosted by Holy Trinity’s Rosary Circles. Lisa McDonald, 515-276-2532 | Marcie Coleman, 515-276-7644 | Sally Hicks, 515-255-6330