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Faith Formation Committee

The Faith Formation Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Pastor and Director of Faith Formation as the Parish seeks to provide lifelong formation in faith to all members. John Mertes, 515-255-3162 x224

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Experiential faith formation for children ages 3-7 in a sacred space, called an “Atrium” where children encounter our Good Shephard, Jesus.  Volunteers are needed to sew, paint and build materials for the Atrium and to maintain the flowers, plants and...

Vacation Bible School

Summer day camp offered one week each summer, aimed at bringing faith to children K-5, through Bible stories, crafts, games, music and activities.  Opportunities for middle school and high school, and adult volunteers. Tisa Johnson, 515-277-7845 | Katie...

Catechist (Teacher)/ Faith Formation Volunteer

Teachers for the Faith Formation Program, which meets each Wednesday evening during the school year. HT’s Faith Formation Program supports and enriches the faith development of Holy Trinity’s public school students in the 1st through 8th grades. John Mertes,...