Join us October 5th for our 2024 Walkathon!

Growing Minds- Walkathon 2024
Oct. 5, 2024 (following 4:30 p.m. Mass)
Mark your calendars! Holy Trinity students and families are invited to our traditional neighborhood walk, carnival, and celebration on Oct. 5!
What is Walkathon? Walkathon is the school’s annual fall fundraiser, where all money raised goes directly to the school. Several years ago, parents realized that they would rather just make a contribution to the school for the very important projects fundraising goes to, than to go door-to-door selling things, where only a percent of the proceeds go to the school. As such, Walkathon was born. With Walkathon, all proceeds, with the exception of a 3% processing fee, go directly to the school.
Our 2024 goal is to raise $50,000 through Walkathon. Funds raised will be divided into two parts, with 80% going towards building improvements, and 20% going towards an additional outdoor learning space for prayer and religion.
- Building Improvements: Geothermal System
- Helps reduce our carbon footprint, lower energy cost, and provides a healthier learning environment for our students
- Outdoor learning space: Rosary Walk
- Dedicated space for prayer; to include walking stations of the cross
- Elements of the space be created by students
What to expect with Walkathon:
- Link to students’ + school pledge site live: Week of Sept. 16. Following on the success of our 2023 efforts, each student will again have a unique pledge site to request donations from family and friends.
- A coin and cash drive: Sept. 24 – Oct. 4 – This important component of our fundraising efforts has brought us more than $16,000 in the past three years.
- Student pep rally: Sept. 27 to get excited! Students will receive their Walkathon t-shirts this week.
- Spirit week: Sept. 30 – Oct. 4. We’ll have themed days that week.
- Walkathon: On Oct. 5, following the 4:30 p.m. mass, students, families, and community members will gather at the school to walk ~one mile route through the neighborhood together, followed by dinner at the school, and a carnival with games outside. There is NOT a “pledge $XX per lap” component to this fundraiser. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors to participate in the fun!
Businesses, community partners, and other sponsors are invited to contribute towards fundraising efforts via the pledge site, or through cash or a check dropped off directly to the office. We are tracking donations! Please identify the student(s) in all forms of payment. Donations from families with multiple children will be divided evenly unless otherwise specified.
Does your employer match charitable contributions? Many companies match charitable school donations! This is an excellent way to boost your donation. Please email the committee ( to provide matching donor information so we can associate the donation with you.
Sponsorship Information
Seeking Walkathon sponsors: Walkathon provides an opportunity to promote your company and to support the teachers and students of Holy Trinity. Please consider sponsoring the event at one of these levels:
Gold Level – $1,000:
- Business logo included on the new pledge donation site that all students will use to send to their family and friends
- Recognition at the Walkathon event and 4:30 p.m. Mass on Oct. 5
- Business or family name published in the Parish and school newsletter and recognition
- Includes Silver and Bronze level recognition items
Silver Level – $750:
- Business logo (if provided prior to Sept. 15 for printing) on the back of student, teacher, and administration Walkathon t-shirts
- Includes Bronze level recognition items
Bronze Level – $500
- Business or family name posted on the Holy Trinity Facebook page
- Business or family name on a sign in the “donor dash” along Urbandale Avenue on the day of Walkathon.
Reach out to the Walkathon committee at with any questions.

Imagination at Play – Walkathon 2023
We just SMASHED our goal!
Last year, we began fundraising to build a new playground. Walkathon 2022 – Reinforce Our Roots was a great success, raising more than $40,000.
This year, we set out to finish the job with a considerable goal: $48,000 (a 20% increase from last year’s total). Not only did we reach our goal, we exceeded it!
THANK YOU to every student, family, parishioner, and neighbor for collecting coins, sponsors, corporate matches, and pledges from local businesses. With your dedication and generosity, we raised a total of… $70,216!

Reinforce Our Roots – Walkathon 2022
Walkathon 2022 – Reinforce Our Roots was the best year yet for Walkathon, with more than $40,000 pledged by families, parishioners, neighbors, corporate matches, and local businesses.
All money from 2022 will be combined with what we raise in 2023 to go towards new playground equipment and outdoor activities.

Extend, Expand, Adapt our Learning – Walkathon 2021
Walkathon 2021 was an outstanding year with more than $29,000 pledged by families, parishioners, neighbors, corporate matches, and local businesses. Because of this success, students and teachers can enjoy an outdoor classroom and community garden.