School Office

Mindy Aronow
515-255-3162 ext. 113

Linda Gourd
School Administrative Assistant
515-255-3162 ext. 116
Student Life
Our dedicated School Office staff is committed to assisting students and families on their path to success. Whether you need to report absences, track health records, or access essential student resources, we offer user-friendly portals and convenient mobile apps. At Holy Trinity Catholic Church and School, we believe in taking the journey together, and our office is here to walk beside you, helping you thrive academically, socially, and spiritually.
Regular attendance is the key to unlocking the full potential of our students at Holy Trinity Catholic School, leading them to cultivate essential qualities like punctuality, self-discipline, and responsibility. We encourage regular attendance for our students and offer resources to track and support them on their educational journey.
Excused Absences
- Personal illness, not to exceed three consecutive days without a doctor’s note.
- Death and serious illness in the immediate family and other verified emergencies.
- Necessary medical or dental emergencies or appointments.
- The administrator must approve all other absences.
Unexcused Absences
- Vacations and trips.
- Events or practices that students participate in or attend that are not sponsored by Holy Trinity Catholic School.
- Non-verifiable medical and dental appointments.
- Truancy or suspension from school.
- Other absences were deemed unexcused by administrators.
Reporting & Tracking Absences
Visit the JMC Family Portal to view attendance reports and submit upcoming absences anytime. Reporting absences over the phone or email. Call 515.255.3162 ext. 114 to leave a voicemail, or email State the student’s name, grade, homeroom teacher, and reason for absence, including illness or diagnosis.
Health Services
Holy Trinity Catholic School employs a part-time nurse (RN) to monitor illnesses and maintain student health records. The State of Iowa requires Health Care Plans for students with health issues that do or may affect their educational processes. The school nurse develops a care plan in coordination with parents and guardians through written interviews, the education staff, and the physician, as necessary.
Reporting & Tracking Health Updates
Visit the JMC Family Portal to review your health history and share your needs. Need immediate assistance? Call Nurse Mindy Aronow at 515-255-3162 ext. 113 or email to discuss your concerns.
Dress Code
Kindergarten through Eighth Grade students wear school uniforms according to the dress code. Each student is required to have a red polo shirt with an embroidered Holy Trinity logo. These red polos are worn for School Mass (typically Wednesday mornings) and other designated days like field trips and special class activities.
Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten students are not required to wear school uniforms. However, students should dress in clothing appropriate for play. Students should wear tennis shoes or other shoes with rubber soles, and avoid wearing flip-flops, other loose-fitting shoes, and jewelry.
Purchasing Uniforms
Purchase uniforms online from the Lands’ End store or any other store if clothing items adhere to the dress code. Use school code 900140583 to shop Holy Trinity items from Lands’ End, and please allow several weeks for your order to ship.
Uniform Exchange Station
The Student Uniform Exchange Station is a new way to upcycle outgrown uniforms and support the community. All are invited to donate or take items from the exchange station.
Visit the exchange station in the hallway between the school office and the media center. Place items in the correct drawer according to size, OR search drawers for items that match your student’s needs. Visit the exchange station anytime during regular school hours from 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Nonpublic Transportation Reimbursement
Iowa Public Schools provide transportation services or reimbursement to our Kindergarten through eighth-grade students if they live more than two miles from Holy Trinity. The program is mandated by Iowa Code 285.1(14), which states: Resident pupils attending a nonpublic school located within or without the school district of the pupil’s residence shall be entitled to transportation on the same basis as provided for resident public school pupils under this section. Learn more.
Submit a Nonpublic Parent Reimbursement Request Form to your district office. Select your public school district from the list below for contact information to request application instructions.
- Ankeny
- Ballard
- Bondurant-Farrar
- Dallas Center-Grimes
- Des Moines
- Earlham
- Indianola
- Johnston
- Norwalk
- Saydel
- Southeast Polk
- Urbandale
- Waukee
- West Des Moines
- Woodward-Granger