Kids Connection Extended Care


Jenith Burry

Dir. of Kids Connection
515-255-3162 ext. 127


Quentin Abraham

Site Supervisor
515-255-3162 ext. 223

Before & After School Child Care

Kids Connection (KC) is licensed by the Department of Human Services to provide great child care for Holy Trinity Catholic School students enrolled in three-year-old preschool through age 12. KC is here for the convenience of Holy Trinity households that need “wrap care” before and after school.

With a well-trained staff at the ready, we engage in gym games, STEM-focused lessons, and activities planned for various ages. KC is a place for kids to form long-lasting relationships and express their true personalities freely, confidently, and comfortably.

Before School (A.M.)

KC is open Monday through Friday at 6:30 a.m. in the school gym. While a school breakfast is not provided, students can bring something light to eat. Items from fast food restaurants and soda are not allowed. KC staff will dismiss children to go to class at 8 a.m. Students cannot enter the school unsupervised. Students who arrive at school before 7:50 a.m. are sent to KC and charged a drop-in fee.

After School (P.M.)

KC opens when class is dismissed at 3:20 p.m. and stays open until 5:45 p.m. Students enter the Social Room to have a snack provided by KC. Then, students divide into groups based on their ages. Groups rotate through activities throughout the building. Younger groups always have at least two staff members present. Older groups have time devoted to completing their homework each afternoon.

Payment & Fees

6KC uses Brightwheel for online billing. This is the same tool used to collect school tuition and fees. Additional payment options include monthly automatic withdrawal (ACH) and direct payment to the Director of Kids Connection. Payments are due monthly. Failure to make payments on time results in a $15 late fee per month and students may not be allowed to attend KC until the balance is paid in full.

Students attending KC four or five days per week are considered full-time. Students attending KC three or fewer days per week are considered part-time. Fees are listed as monthly amounts. Rates posted here are for informational purposes only. Registration for KC must be completed separately before the 2025-2026 school year. KC is billed separately from tuition, and an indication of need does not guarantee placement.

More Kids Connection information here!


2025-2026 KC Rates

KC closures 23/24

Summer Kids Connection

Summer KC is available for enrolled Holy Trinity Students entering class in the fall. Students must be three years old on or before June 1, 2025, and registered for PS3 or PK4. Summer hours are Monday through Friday from 6:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Students attending Summer KC four or five days per week are considered full-time. Students attending Summer KC three or fewer days per week are considered part-time. Fees are listed as weekly amounts.

2025 Summer Rates

KC closures 23/24


As most preschool and pre-K students are newly toilet trained, we expect accidents and ask parents and guardians to provide extra clothes at school. Students are supervised when they leave the classroom to use the restroom. If students experience difficulty toileting (persistent accidents, unable to wipe), KC staff notify parents and guardians. The Director or Site Supervisor will schedule meetings with parents and guardians to plan and help students use the restroom independently and successfully.


Our team of staff is here to care for your child. To do this to the best of our ability, it is important to have an open line of communication between staff, parents, and guardians. Staff will communicate with parents and guardians face-to-face, via email, phone, bulletin boards, and more! Follow us on Facebook to see KC in action!