
Mercedies Steinkamp
Dir. of Enrollment
Registered & Participating Parishioners-
It’s Time to Register for the 2025-26 School Year!
Apply December 1, 2024, through January 24, 2025.
The Region defines “parishioner” as participating and tithing members of Holy Trinity Parish, other Regional parishes with schools, other Regional parishes without schools, and parishes outside the Region. The Region prioritizes parishioners based on longevity at the parish and the application time stamp.
Ready to Transfer? Apply Now!
Thank you for considering Holy Trinity Catholic School! We have space for new preschool, Transitional Kindergarten, Elementary, and Middle School students this 2023-2024 school year. If you want to transfer now, please contact our Director of Enrollment, Mercedies Steinkamp, with any questions.
Need more information? Contact Director of Enrollment Mercedies Steinkamp at or 515-255-3162 to schedule a visit.
Des Moines Regional Catholic Schools
Regionalization is underway, and the admissions procedures across Catholic schools are changing.
Enrollment Priority
The Region prioritizes current students and their siblings first, members of Catholic parishes second, and the general community third. The Region and school administrators accept applicants based on the application time stamp, available space, admissions review processes, and consideration for students’ best interests.
Current Students & Families
Apply October 1, 2024, through November 15, 2024.
The Region defines “current” as a family with at least one student enrolled in Early Childhood through 12th grade during the 2024-2025 school year, and prioritizes current families based on longevity at school and the application time stamp. Current families can re-enroll Early Childhood through 11th-grade students, apply for younger children to enter Early Childhood or Kindergarten, and apply for older students to transfer from public schools.
Registered & Participating Parishioners
Apply December 1, 2024, through January 24, 2025.
The Region defines “parishioner” as participating and tithing members of Holy Trinity Parish, other Regional parishes with schools, other Regional parishes without schools, and parishes outside the Region. The Region prioritizes parishioners based on longevity at the parish and the application time stamp.
General Community
Apply January 25, 2025.
The Region defines “general community” as non-Catholic families, and prioritizes applicants based on the application time stamp, available space, admissions review processes, and consideration for students’ best interests.